If you cannot work in Pennsylvania because of injuries or medical problems, there are two federal government programs that may help you.


The moment you become injured at work, everything changes. You suddenly can't work. The paychecks stop.


Slips, trips and falls are a part of everyday living. But when your slip-and-fall was someone else's fault, it is an entirely different matter, especially if you are injured.


A Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision from the end of 2013 sets some important rules that apply to something an employer can do to try to reduce the benefits of an injured worker.

Media, Pennsylvania Lawyer

You just heard your doctor say that you are too sick. You can't work anymore. Ever.

Now what are you going to do? How are you going to keep a roof over your family's head and bread on the table? Where do you turn?

You turn to us, The Law Office of James R. Flandreau, because we understand.

Helping Families Like Yours for Over 30 Years

Your doctor told you that you are too sick to work. Maybe it is because you have a serious illness like cancer. Maybe you got injured on the job, or maybe your serious illness is from your job. Or, maybe you fell and got hurt.

If you can’t work, we can help. We handle a wide range of cases, including:

  • Workers' comp
  • Lost wages
  • Medical benefits
  • Occupational diseases
  • Death benefits, scars and lost body parts

For answers to questions about SSD/SSI, visit our SSD/SSI FAQ. And for answers to frequently asked questions about workers' compensation, visit our Workers' Compensation FAQ.

Preparing to Fight to Win Each Case

The foundation to our legal strategy is to be prepared to try each case. From the very first day, we prepare your case for the courtroom. Click this link to find out how we have helped people receive their Social Security benefits, or go here to find out more about our success with our workers' compensation clients.

Too Sick Or Too Injured To Work? Need Help? Call Us.

If your doctor says you are too sick or too injured to work, call The Law Office of James R. Flandreau. Call us to find out how we can help you obtain your workers compensation or Social Security disability benefits. 610-565-4750.

Free Initial Consultation

Get In Touch

There are strict time limits in workers' compensation and in Social Security cases, so do not delay.

No attorney-client relationship is being formed by your contacting us. Please do not submit any confidential information until after we have established an attorney-client relationship

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